The Sun Goes Down in Style.

Each year around the summer solstice, brings a walk at Barbury Castle to watch the sun go down.
The sky started to get prepared for its evening performance.

My brother gets ready to take some pictures

and the show begins.

I haven't changed the settings on the camera or the computer, this is for real!

The end of the show and my youngest daughter takes the last bow.
An amazing sight was had by all.
I'm holding a Give-away to say thankyou to my blog visitors.Have a look at the previous post to see! :)


Robin Larkspur said…
Awe-inspiring photos of a fabulous view. Thanks for sharing!!
WrightStuff said…
Wow, that really is beautiful. Quite a spectacle.
Kim Mailhot said…

I have the same Chucks/Converse shoes in the same perfectly purple color ! Love the matching socks.
Happy Weekend !
JessiVille said…
aaahhhhh! Gorgeous!!!
Jessi xox
Tammie Lee said…
magically lovely
so fun to picture you all there enjoying this
thank you for sharing the beauty~
Anonymous said…
Absolutely stunning! Thank you for sharing these. Jessie I have really enjoyed your blog from the very start of my blogging exploration. I have nominated you for The Versatile Blog Award.

You can see two examples of what this means here:

and here:

If you do not participate in awards and tagging, I understand. Just know that I appreciate what you share on your blog--Whether it's a piece of your day, a daring assignment, your bright and beautiful paintings, or your photographs!

Jess said…
Thankyou so much Auroran!! :) I am so honoured to be chosen, I'll try to find time to pass on the tag. Thankyou for choosing me.xx
Unknown said…
what a wonderful place to be and enjoy the majesty of nature.
renilde said…
OOOOHHH that last photo looks like a painting, beautiful, magic skies!
Anonymous said…
I always find it difficulat after the sun goes down and I am walking in the dark. I always trip.

Neat pics thanks.

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