
Since I wrote the last post, (which I've now made private so it looks as though it's not here), I've been feeling uncomfortable with the personal revelations that I wrote in it. Maybe I'm now unveiling something else about me by saying that sometimes I feel relaxed and happy to share anything and everything about me and at other times, like now, a little self conscious about it.
I hope you don't mind, especially those of you who were kind enough to write lovely comments. I haven't deleted the post, I've kept it because I treasure the time people take to write to me. :)
Thankyou for understanding. xx
I hope you're all having a lovely week despite the rain!


Gorgeous flower girl!!
Carol said…
What a lovely face.
Carol xx
p.s. it's your blog, Jessie, and we are lucky to share what you choose to illustrate and write.
Clare said…
hi Jessie, I love your shy lady, she is beautiful and very serene. I think we all feel vulnerable at times about what we share about ourselves, its not always easy to open up and then we think - too much info.
Anonymous said…
You are a very beautiful Jessie!
rachel awes said…
love your shy girl,
& all of you!!!!
silly me, but i can't
seem to figure out
the last post you are
referencing that you are
uncomfortable about?
sending you a blanket
of adoring...
Anonymous said…
I agree with Carol :) it's your blog. This is what you want it to be and I understand you need to do what feels right to you! I want you to feel good when you come here (not that you've indicated you feel otherwise). I'm glad you did what felt right to you.

I've gone back to a few of my posts after they've been up for a little while and deleted info 'cause I realized later I didn't feel that comfortable sharing a certain bit of info.

I like your shy woman--a beautiful illustration. :)
Cori Lynn Berg said…
I couldnt find the post either.. And i didnt go on a hunt for it to see.. "oh what's this all about." I went to find it because if someone's heart opens up to talk, I wanna make sure I listen.

YOu are special. Your art has always been a special magical star in my bloggy world.
Aw, hope you're feeling okay :)
I don't know what you said in your last post, but life goes on and feelings change and that's bound to be reflected in your blog.
Say what you want, I say!
Erica xxx
Victoria said…
Hi Jessie...shine what honors you and what feels divine to you..hugs!

I know what you mean..sometimes when i think about kindreds and my artsy friends like you..sharing seems so natural...and I am in total harmony..for in a way I am sharing in "my own little bubble" of safe and like-minded friends.......but then sometimes i think about all the "other people" out there/"question marks" reading my stuff..and hmm..makes me think if i am ok with that or times uncomfortable too!! So yes..always do what feels in harmony with you!

I Love this piece...she is gorgeous and healing and peaceful...i feel a wonderful spiritual essence shining through her soul! I love that she and nature are intertwined!
HUgs and have a beautiful day!
rex said…
I love this picture and I also understand the sharing bit. We all want our sharing to be in safe hands but the need to be careful is always important.
Anonymous said…
Adorei seu Blog !

Tudo muito bonito e idéias lindas ...
renilde said…
Great illustration, firmly rooted and delicate flower, don't we all feel one way or the other from time to time, xx
Jess said…
Thankyou sweet kind people :) I wanted wo write something about me that I hadn't ever revealed here on my blog before but after I'd written it I felt uncomfortable and as I'm one to try to follow my heart whenever I can, I decided to take it away from the eyes of the world. You are so lovely for understanding how I feel.x
Julia said…
Dear Heart, I didn't read your last post but your blog is a wonderful place to visit, your artwork is a delight and I'm always pleased that you choose to share your journey here. You have the right to do what feels comfortable to you, whatever feels right.

Sending you love
Julia x
Mary Kilvert said…
Hi Jessie, Lovely to come across your blog and work, thank you for your recent comment on my blog! The exhibition was wonderful :)
Woo Gilchrist said…

Thanks so much for your comments on my blog, I have loved what I have seen of your blog so far, I am going to have a good read later on.

Tammie Lee said…
this piece is sweet and lovely.

I once removed a piece. only two people had commented and I let each of them know since they had become part of the post by sharing thoughts. These things can happen. I think it is great that you honor what is important to you.
Jess said…
Thanks :)
You are all amazing people, thankyou for your kind words and friendship.xx
Dear Fireflies said…
That is such a delicate piece of work, Jessie... I just love the shy sweet look on her face. Since I've been terrible at blog visiting lately, I can't make out which post you're talking about. However, I think everyone is entitled to a little privacy, especially when it comes to their feelings. You've been brave enough to show yours to the world through this blog. :) oxx

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