Illustration Friday: Launch

Illustration Friday: 'Launch',
taking a brave step into the unkown.

'Yet each man kills the thing he loves,
By each let this be heard,
Some do it with a bitter look,
Some with a flattering word,
The coward does it with a kiss,
The brave man with a sword.’
- Oscar Wilde.


Kathryn Dyche said…
Beautiful illustration and I love the words too, they're from one of my favorite books 'Reading Goal'.
Jess said…
Thankyou Kathryn :)
Robin Larkspur said…
What a perfect illustration of someone taking that first big step into the unknown. Love it!
rachel awes said…
i just want to
h u g
that dear bird!
Clare said…
how wonderful it is to sometimes take a big leap and launch ourselves into the unknow - and then get a suprise when we realise that we can fly. lovely art work.
Cori Lynn Berg said…
awwwwwwwwwwww Jessie! The pose of this bird is sooooo cute! I want to jump off and feel like that birdie!
Ana M.F. said…
beautiful work ♥
Anonymous said…
So beautiful and precious. I love the chest thrust outward, leading with heart and taking a chance!
Silke Powers said…
Beautiful, Jessie!! Love the illustration and that Oscar Wilde quote!!! Hugs, Silke
eimear brennan said…
beautiful work, great energy in it!
Jess said…
Thankyou! I liked painting this little birdy too. :)xx
Vita said…
What a lovely illustration to the theme! And belated congratulations on the new baby in the family! They bring so much joy these little ones:)
Rabbit Town Art said…
So pretty! I like your colour choices and the pattern on the bird.
Anonymous said…
very nice, great colours, I love the strong lines. Cute bird
Robin Harney said…
How joyful!
I believe in her!
Kim Mailhot said…
I love your sweet bird lifting off...
Beautiful, Jessie !
Shirley said…
Jessie, this is a fantastic piece..I love how you illustrated the mountains and leaves. I also am just loving your new blog header (I'm sorry it's been awhile since my last visit!)
ruth said…
You're a Friday Favorite! Yay!
A said…
Great quote. Your blog is such a treat, I love how colorful and uplifting it is.

Circle of Design Fashion Illustration

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