Spring Flowers and Birds

You can tell it's spring because the sunlight shows up all the dust. Don't worry, I'm not going to show you a close up picture of my dust.
It just occured to me that most of the things in this corner of the house are things I've been painting or making. The pile of fabric is the beginnings of a patchwork quilt, the white table, chair and ottoman I renovated last summer. (They were all destined for the tip the way they looked!)The seedlings I planted a couple of days ago and did you recognise my new stained glass panel that I'd made hanging in the window?
The first daffodils are flowering and peeping up through the ground appears the first aubretia flower. Things are starting!
Now for some arty talk...

Here's the last page of my sketchbook. I'm about to start a new one which always scares me for a some reason. Scared of a sketchbook? I'm sure there's a few artists out there who know what I mean!

The cleaned-up-in-Photoshop version

Oh, that makes it sound as though it was a bit too raunchy before.(It wasn't.)

The purple version

and the greeny-blue version
Any preferences?


Robin Larkspur said…
What a big wonderful window you have in that corner! A charming,creative space! It is hard to select from your various versions, the birds are beautiful, but I do seem drawn to the purple version. We are still a few weeks away from daffodils, still so cold and snowy here (New York state...up north).
Enjoy the new sketchbook, it will fly with color soon!!
busybusybeejay said…
I love your stained glass.
Julia Christie said…
I love all the versions! Such happy birdies! Love your little corner too and yes! spring is on the way!!

Victoria said…
They are all so gorgeous and brilliant...i love birds too and love your magical art..gorgeous! it lifts my heart! beautiful photos and blooms..how lovely!! I am snow covered in Canada...I crave summer!
Beautiful post Jessie...shine on!
Jess said…
Thanks Robin, We must be very lucky here having our daffodils then!

Thankyou Barbara. :)

Thanks Julia, that corner gets a lot of sun so it's lovely and bright most of the time. :)

Hi Victoria, oh I really am lucky having spring here already then aren't I? Thankyou for your sweet words. :)
WrightStuff said…
I know what you mean about the dust - I've noticed that too!!

I think I like the yellow background best - very spring like! My daffs are still in tight bud though I have seen them out elsewhere - and a big patch of aubretia at the weekend.

Ahhh.... it's nearly here!!
Ces Adorio said…
Wow! What a beautiful room Jessie! The colors are fantastic andit looks like a bright room! I actually dread the beginning of spring with all the allergens. I know - killjoy! The bird paintings are fantastic! Have a great weekend.
Jess said…
Thanks Wrightstuff and Ces, I used to get hay fever but I seemed to have grown out of it thankfully! I hope you do too! :)
SaraLynnArt said…
My personal favorites are the yellow and the blue-green version. For some reason the colors pop for me in these two.

Also... I wish we had flowers up here! I'm still chipping my car out of an ice shell every morning, lol.
carol at home said…
no preference, love them all
lovely birds... are they lovers?
Jess said…
Thanks Saralynn, oh I hope your flowers arrive soon!

Thankyou Carol :)

Hi Sympathy, thankyou! Well I think they'd like to be. :)

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