Shark Attack

Here is the finished illustration for the magazine. It's drawn in ink with a watercolour wash. I did a spot of tweaking in Photoshop.
Poor fish, I'm beginning to feel sorry for them. They don't look too happy do they?!
Click to enlarge.


Julia Christie said…
How cool that this is for a magazine! Which one? It turned out wonderfully and it's fun to see your work corner... Love to see where people find their creative energy!

Smiles and this turned out great!
Victoria said… beautiful..gorgeous..and congrats..that is fantastic and inspiring news! yay..shine on!
Karen said…
I just love the look in that sharks eye. You've captured it perfectly! lol x
Nicola said…
Hey Jessie, how exciting! What magazine is this for? I really love his expression on his face, so fantastic!!! This really is a great piece full of personality!!! oxoxox
Anonymous said…
Aw sweet fishies! I like what you've done with this painting. So much power and movement in it. Certainly a eye catching picture for a mag!
Famous fishies!

Caroline said…
Love the expressions and colour in this one! Having an owl giveaway over at my place - if you have time, do pop in!
SaraLynnArt said…
I love this image! The shark's face is fantastic. What magazine is this for?
Ginger*:) said…
Nicely done. I love the colors and the movement.
Tammie Lee said…
you are right, them thar fish do not look happy, and a wonderfully scary shark!
Anonymous said…
gorgeous colours! i have a thing for sharks..beautiful creatures:)

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