My Travelling Tree Pose

I had a lovely email this morning from a lady that bought my painting The Tree Pose to hang in her sister's yoga studio.
The Core Balance Yoga Center can be found HERE.

I love to hear where my paintings end up and this is particularly exciting for me because it's travelled all the way from the UK to Missouri!

Before my very busy weekend began, I had a nice life drawing session friday morning. The reddish brown drawings are using an Inktense pencil with a little bit of water for the shading. I had to be a bit braver using that because once it's there you can't rub it out! I did a couple of quick studies in black ink too at the end of the session.
I like the way these drawings have more strength than the pencil ones, what do you think?


Silke Powers said…
These are so cool, Jessie! It's the kind of drawing I've never done and don't know if I could. I am super impressed!!! Hugs,Silke
Cori Lynn Berg said…
A time to be bold and a time to be delicate!.. How cool to have your artpiece travel all the way to Missouri.. that's a good feeling!
Jess said…
Thanks very much Silke :)
Thanks Cori, I like that, a time to be bold and a time to be delicate. A bit like my day today actually!
Julia Christie said…
How great to hear where your lovely art ended up! And all of these sketches are wonderful. Can't believe how well you capture that hand in the last pic!

Hi Jessie, I'm new to your blog. I just adore your paintings...they have a real sense of fun, as I imagine you must too!
Kat W said…
I think the brown inktense drawings have a warmth and life to them.

I love your tree pose painting. I especially like the way the cat has a tail warmer & the tree a trunk warmer to match the girls leg warmers. Fab!

Kat :-)

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