Illustration Friday: Dusty

Here's my pic for this week's Illustration Friday.
I had to get birds in somewhere didn't I?!
Can you see them?


Of course Jessie :-) Two red one´s close to her heart. Very nice!
Julia Christie said…
Yummy orange! Very cute - and it took me a moment but I did find the birds :-)

Jess said…
Thanks Elisabeth, close to her heart - I like that. :)

Thanks Julia, I'm in an orange phase at the moment I think!
Julia Guthrie said…
I see the birds!! :) xx
Great color and lines!
Silke Powers said…
Oh, I love it! The girl, the flowers and the tiny birds!! Love, Silke
Victoria said…
Hi Jessie..she is so beautiful and ulifting..I love the spark of orange and beautiful flowers..gorgeous energy and spirit!
Ruthie Redden said…
Hi Jessie, i haven't stopped by for ages, but had great fun catching up on all you have been doing, love the paitings, fantastic colours as always! x
Anja said…
Coming to your blog is also a relief from daily life!! I saw your little birds.
*❀* said…
oh yes, it took me a while and then i saw them. very discreet and sweet :o) it's a adorable painting.

have blogged about my first adventures into crochet today. i am hoping to have a really creative year, nudging myself along.

wishing you a happy tuesday xxx

Shirley said…
Jessie, I smile so when I visit here. Your new blog header (I've been amiss at my visits!) is delightful and so peaceful. I love the colors in your Dusty piece as well as all of your pieces..such vibrance! I see the birds, too! : ) Hope you've been well.
MrBibleHead said…
Nice one Jessie! Love you color and design!

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