Illustration Friday: Chicken

This week the word is on Illustration Friday is 'chicken'. As I started to draw a chicken I suddenly remembered the story 'Chicken Licken'. I knew I used to have a reading book with the story in it from when I was little and here it is!

I could never understand how an acorn could be mistaken for the sky!


Tam Hess said…
What a beautiful chicken. Excellent color, I love purple. :) I've never read chicken licken...I'll have to find that story. Thanks for sharing!
*❀* said…
such a beautiful chicken.

i remember chicken-licken very well from my chilhood. the first time i was asked to read anything out-loud in class (and i was painfully shy at the time) was from this book. it made me feel like the sky had fallen on My head.
Tammie Lee said…
i love your purple pink chicken and all your lovely details. some might never understand how a chicken could be these colors. That is the charm of childrens books, the expression of an artist and the freedom of life.
Caroline said…
Very nice chicken! I've been catching up on your last posts - what beautiful colours you've used in your recent paintings - a feast for the eyes!
Danielle Barlow said…
That's a very stately chicken! I love your glowing colours Jessie :)
Foxglove said…
Lovely coloured chicken Jessie.Will she be visiting the king!!!

Have a beautiful week. xxx
Robin Harney said…
What a gorgeous purple chicken!

I immediately thought of the Chicken Licken story, too. I am working on a drawing of Chicken Licken for my entry this week.
Lovely artwork!! Do you have a contact email? I would love to do an interview!

Magic Bean said…
Hello. Thanks for popping over to MagicBeans. Love your chicken, am off to read through some of your old posts now. Ax
Marie Campbell said…
Wonderful colours :)

My dad used to read me Chicken Licken at bedtime - I didn't think of it at the time, but such a tragic ending for a children's story!
Julissa Mora said…
Beautiful colors and design! :)
MrBibleHead said…
Wonderful work Jessie! Love your colors and characters.
Christie said…
Really pretty! You have such a wonderful sense of color!

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