Happy New Year

I was enchanted by the performance of the Secret Sisters on Jools Annual Hootenanny show last night. I could have listened to them all night!

Thank you for all your visits here on my blog and for the lovely encouraging comments that I appreciate so much.

A happy new year!!

Wishing you a creative new year filled with happiness, love, and inspiration. xx


Hi!your spanish is good, Happy New Year and Happy Birthay for you, un abrazo grande and kisses.
Happy New Year Jessie! Here is to a year filled with creativity and sparkling color!!!
Tammie Lee said…
thank you for filling my wee cabin with such a wonderful song.

Wishing you a lovely 2011 ~
Marilyn & Jeff said…
Happy New Year to you, may it be filled with everything that is good.
Thank you Jess for this video, it´s incredible, Ilove it...
Kathy De Wit said…
Happy new year to you too dear Jessie! Happy to be back here...I will comeback here often in 2011! Have a briljant year!!!
Hugs Kathy
Victoria said…
HI Jessie! Happiest New year! It has been wonderful getting to know you and your magical world!! Wishing you many sparkling adventures ahead in this new year!!
Karen said…
Happy New Year to you. Hope 2011 is a great one! xx
Julia Christie said…
Lovely lovely music! Jessie I gave a shout out to you for inspiring my latest artistic endeavor - stop by and let me know what you think.


Tam Hess said…
I love your art...especially all that gorgeous blue you use! Very pretty. JUst "found" you, thanks for sharing...lots of inspiration. :) Happy New Year!
WrightStuff said…
Hi Jessie. I found you via Julia Christie's blog today. Love your art - especially that pic in the banner - great use of watercolours. I'm off for a longer browse of your site, but just wanted to say hi.
JessiVille said…
Happy New Year Jessie! I enjoyed the clip of the Secret Sisters. Thanks for sharing. Jessi <3
Nicola said…
Happy New Year Jessie!!! Looking forward to following your creative adventures in 2011! Take care xoxo
Rosie said…
They are good. Have a great 2011...sell lots, become famous.
Kerri said…
happy new year to you too! i have a photograph of the lovely painting i bought from you last year on my blog this week- :) i LOVE it so much!
Carol said…
I do agree the sisters were excellent, hadn't heard of them before Jools show.
Happy New Year.
Carol xx
*❀* said…
thanks for sharing this treat xxx

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