
This is a painting that is almost finished. I painted it on an old tatty piece of wood. There was something magnetic about the piece of wood that drew me to want to paint it!
I'm not sure what to do to it next, I'll look at it tomorrow and see what I think about it then.
It's quite small so I managed to scan it in 2 halves and stitch it back together in Photoshop. I've got another one I've almost finished too and if the day is light enough, I'll take a photo to show it here.
I think the red tree is me.
Hi Lizzie, thanks so much, I'm definitely in a painting mode at the moment.
Thank you for this, it made my day!
Got that thing with paintings too, the need to put them aside do something else and come back to them later with a cleared mind.
Beautiful work! x renilde
Have a glorious day. xxx