Night Time Fear

Its still not snowing but it's quite dark here today. I played with some colour to lighten my day.

I had a dream last night. I didn't want this one to come true.

But it did.


Robin Larkspur said…
such dark colors! and a slightly ominous post! Hope you brighten up soon!
Rosie said…
What? What? What dream? You know owl dreams are good signs. Great colours.
Diane said…
Well whatever came true---I hope wasn't as bad as what you were dreaming. These pages are wonderful!!
Gretel said…
Goodness! That sounds ominous...but that is a really great owl painting, it really reminds me of Brian Wildsmiths work.
Jess said…
Thankyou Robin, the day has a dark feeling and it seems to have been displayed on my page!

Thanks Rosie, that's very good new for me! :)

No, not quite as bad Diane, thankyou so much. :)

Wow Gretel! Thanks so much :)) I'm getting back into my acrylic layering. :)
Marilyn & Jeff said…
I love owls so to me they bring delight, happiness. I hope that you experience these very soon. Wonderful art.
Tammie Lee said…
wow, you dreamt, then it came true, That is fast.
Your colorful art is wonderful to see as well as a glimpse of your work space. I always love seeing a bit more of an artists work space and their materials.
Paula said…
I love owls. They represnet tarnsistion for me. During the time of H. Bosch owls represented deatha nd despair. Over time "tehy" learned from their lessons and now represent wisdom and knowledge. They can see though teh dark. Lietrally and methamorphorically. Plenty of snow here....
Hugs across the channel
*❀* said…
i hope that you have some sweeter dreams soon and that they also come true xx
Jess said…
Thanks Marilyn, I think owls are a positive motif too, despite my ominous words!
Thanks Tammie, yes from time to time I do get dreams that come true the next day, I wish I could do it to order though! ;)
Jess said…
Hi Paula, I like them being wise creatures of the night! They're unusual looking creatures aren't they? We actually have snow falling today!
Janine said…
What wonderful colors! I love these pages!
juno said…
sometimes, your works reminds me of Chagall

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