A Garden of Insects

I was watching the TV this morning while eating my breakfast and sat there admiring the beautiful colour of Lady Gaga's dress. It was an unusual shade of pink and really suited her colouring. I though either her or her stylist must have a very good sense of colour. A few seconds I realised it was made out of MEAT! arrgghhhhh!

The picture above bears no relation to what I've just told you, I just thought I'd share my page of pen and ink drawing I did yesterday while I was babysitting! It was fun, I think I'll do some more! :)


Gretel said…
Lovely, very 1970's!
Rosie said…
I hated the very idea of a meat dress but I did love those weird, gold, skyscraper shoes.
I like your drawings. I have met a few of those creatures.
Paula said…
meat dress? Uerrg.........
This drawing however I adore. The frog and his expression in particular.
Lo said…
I refuse to comment on (ugh) Lady Gaga, bit I love your drawing.....more please.
Kathryn Dyche said…
The meat dress sounds kind of gross, love the ink drawing though.
Anonymous said…
i love this, especially the doodle-bugs :o)
Thank you for your comment and soon ;-)
Nicola said…
hahah yes the meat dress is a bit of a worry, from a distance not so bad but I wonder how it would smell close up ;0)

Love your pen and ink drawing!
Fickle Cattle said…
I adore this picture. It's like really pretty doodles.

Fickle Cattle
Carol said…
yuck to Lady Gaga's dress.
Love your drawing.
Carol xx
Luzia said…
What a lovely garden!

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