Totnes Open Studios Joy

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I've been waiting with much anticipation for this year's Totnes Open Studios weekend and I wasn't disappointed. We spent the afternoon on saturday walking from house to house, (which I enjoy anyway just because it's Totnes, let alone the art!) On our travels we stumbled across a little house which opened into a treasure trove of goodies as we walked in. There we met a lovely artist called Jan O'Highway.
She makes a original pieces of art in a range of media, sometimes using reclaimed or found objects. Look at the little toy figures used above!
Jan very kindly let me take some photos which included her bathroom tiles. It was a tiny room but she'd made it so beautiful with her clever use of mosaics. Isn't it gorgeous?! CLICK HERE to see some more of her work.
Another favourite visit was to see the drawings of Claudia Schmid. Here's a postcard I bought of hers. I can't find a web-site for her unfortunately but I just lOVe her fun sense of humour which comes across in her drawings!
summer storm, by Yvonne Coomber
Last of all we went to the colourful and beautiful house of the painter Yvonne Coomber. I've been a fan of her paintings for a while, so it was a rare treat for me to see so many of them and to enjoy the colourful surroundings in which she lives.
A very inspirational day :)


Julia Guthrie said…
What a fab opportunity to see lots of beautiful artwork! They are doing an open studio thing in Cornwall soon...I have a leaflet about it somewhere.

Those are lovely pieces!
What a lovely way to spend a weekend. I've been to a couple over here, mostly down in the more 'arty' suburb of Fremantle, and it's great to not only see another artist's work, but also their work spaces and how they work...or maybe I'm just naturally nosy! ;-)
hi, i am art lover,from Malaysia.
Your art is great!
Jess said…
Hi Julia, there's a lot of talented artists in Cornwall, that one should be a goody!
Hi Christina, me too (sshh!) I get inspired by seeing the workspaces of other artists, especially if it's in their own home.
Hi Ee Siong, thanks very much!
Ester García said…
Beautiful and inspiring blog, Jessie!
Many thanks for your nice comment ;)

Ester *
Jess said…
Thankyou Ester! :o)
Dear Fireflies said…
Oh, I do wish I could have more time to do something like that! Wouldn't it be fun to see other artists work in their natural habitat? Hehehee...

Now, your human figure drawings are looking more wonderful each time! I mean that. :) oxx
Jess said…
Hi Amalia, yes I really enjoy seeing other's workspaces, thanks so much for your kind words. :)

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