Grateful to be Home

I'm so glad to be back with my family after the terrible ordeal of flight cancellations and long train journeys.
One particular day I was upset about the possibility of missing was my youngest daughter's birthday. I could hardly bear to think about it while I was away. If it hadn't been for the travel disaster, I would have had a whole week to organise, shop, cook, wrap and prepare but as it turned out, there was only one day to get it all done!
But done it was and it was bliss to be back home and to have the rest of the family here too. The birthday girl made her own cake (She's actually better at it than me!) and I decorated it so it would be at least a bit of a surprise and here she is with her friends tucking in!
Sorry I forgot to photograph the cake, it's been a mad rush here as you can imagine.
While I'm here I want to thank Amalia for honouring me with this wonderful Blog award! It says 'Hope, Courage and Faith' Thankyou Amalia so much!
Very timely words for me.
I needed hope, courage and faith while I was struggling to get home for the last few days. I hope those who are still stuck away from home and families to return soon and safely.


Cori Lynn Berg said…
Looks like the girls had fun! And the best gift I'm sure was having you home!
Anonymous said…
So lovely to see you home and safe!
Your family look so happy!

Nicola said…
Glad to hear you got home safe and sound. I can't imagine what it must have been like to be stranded like that. We're embarking on our big trip in about seven weeks so I hope everything is back to normal over there and that there are no more eruptions.
Owen said…
OMG sounds like you had a terrible ordeal too thanks to the volcano, or the "ash-hole" as I've been calling it... Glad you were able to get back safely ! And with a stop in Paris, unexpected bonus...
Dear Fireflies said…
You deserve this award so much, Jess! I'm sure it's one experience you'll never forget.. but hey! at least all's well now, and you made it just in time for your daughter's birthday! Ah, so sweet, making her own cake and all...hehehe... oxx
Jess said…
They certainly enjoyed that Cake! I'd advise anyone going abroad to take your phone charger. My mobile was my life-line. I think I'd even splash out and get one with the internet next time....if there IS a next time! ;o)
Giggles said…
Isn't it amazing how we feel we must be everything to everyone, then our children surprise us when we need them most!! I'm sure your presence alone was present enough for your daughter!! Glad it all worked out....EXHALE!! lol

Peace Giggles
Jess said…
Thanks Giggles! :o)
Joshy and belle said…
maybe i should do that to my neighbour! I was tempted to post eggs through his door the other day!! he he!!! my husband brought me some ear plugs yesterday so fingers crossed they will work, as soon as friday comes im putting my ear plugs in and leaving them there until monday morning!
fliss xx
Doodlestreet said…
Lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely blog! Thank you for coming by and visiting mine and I just absolutely think yours is so wonderfully rich and colorful! A very nice morning treat..

Julia said…

and welcome home!

I can't begin to imagine the ordeal you went through, but I felt so happy to read that you were home in time for your youngest's birthday!! they looked like they really enjoyed the cake too!
Thank you for your lovely commment on my blog today, it made my morning and made me smile!

Sending you much love
Julia x x x
Ho my, glad your back safe! what a dreadful time you and so many people have had, hoping your recovered ! ,and very happy birthday to your daughter, and congrats on your award, you REALLY deserv it.. bestest wishes,Linda x x
Annette Q said…
Oh gosh, poor you!
But I'm so glad you got home safely in the end. It must have been sooo nice getting back to all those smiling faces and the cake! heheh.
Congratulations on your award too, its well deserved :-))
Anonymous said…
Thank goodness you got back when you did, in time for the birthday girl. I would have been demented! Catch your breath dearie... ♥
Sending you joy and peace. Blessings from Amy
Jess said…
I'm trying to get back to normality but I don't think it exists any more! Maybe good thing?
Hi Jessie, What a nightmare! Glad you made it home just in time! You asked which was me in the photos, well I was taking most of them but I appear in the one of us all outside, I am the fat one in the green coat!(too much cake over the years!!!) Jane xxx
Jess said…
Thanks Jane :o)
Julia Guthrie said…
So glad that everything worked out in the end Jess! That would have really stressed me out no end!!!

By the way, back to that card reading thing...only just picked them up again yesterday after a shocking week of migranes *ugh* & I was wondering if you wanted me to still pull some for you? I could have a practise on you.. hehe xxx

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