Mermaid Update
What is a cream rug doing in a studio you may wonder.
My 'studio' is also our bedroom and I'd had rather a lot of acrylic accidents in the past, which didn't matter because the floor was vinyl. When I decided that watercolour was now to be my medium of choice I covered up the paint-stained vinyl with a new cream rug, what luxury! Needless to say I've now moved the rug well away from my painting area so brushes are safer to bounce.
Getting back to what I was saying, I found this painting frustrating at first because acrylic is so very different to watercolour and not just mess-wise. The brushes I used to use were bristly, large and to be truthful ,very cheap! I've had to use a couple of my older sable brushes for this painting and it did made life a lot easier. I need to buy some more small softer brushes because it's fun using acrylics again!
As for the mermaid painting, as you can see above it's getting to the final stages, with just the shells and flowers in her hair to do and I might put some scaly texture on her tail.
Extra Edit.....I was looking at this post and I realised it might look odd that the fish are doing a nose dive. They're not really, this is a bath panel so the design will be on it's side when the panel's back in place! :o)
Were I to have my studio in the corner of my bedroom I'd never get any work done because I love to sleep a little too much;-)
My workspace is in the corner of my kitchen at the moment but we're in the process of organising renovations and so I"ll hopefully have a nice new work area soon yay!!!
Your bathroom is going to look so good!
A big hug...
thanks for popping to my blog and leaving a comment! I love your mermaid, it will look fab in the bathroom! fliss xx
I also have a small space to work. I sit at the kitchen table to illustrate and bead... It sometimes drives me mad!:(
I wish I had a large art studio.
I love your mermaid painting. It is very vibrant and striking. Great work! x:)
My studio corner is my dining table at the moment...not ideal because it makes my home look rather messy but sometimes theres nothing better that a big creative mess! :-)
your post made me smile :o)
warm hugs xxx
I am sure I left you a message here before... Oh well, I will leave another comment again!:)
Your mermaid painting is beautiful and I love the vibrant colours. It looks like a huge picture.
I also work in a small space, at my kitchen table, so I understand how awkward it can be sometimes.
Happy Creative Hols.x:)
just dropping by to wish you a magical easter weekend xxx