The Light and the Black

The family computer is back and appears to be working - yay! I still can't upload any new pictures but I did find something I did earlier. This painting's called 'The Light' and now hangs on my eldest daughter's wall in London. At 64 x 79cm it's quite big compared to my more recent paintings.
I'm glad I didn't sell this one.

Here's my youngest in her big sister's flat with Mavis the cat and if you look carefully you can see the painting on the wall behind. We stayed overnight on our visit there a few weeks ago, so in case you thought the 'cushion' with skulls on is part of the usual room furnishings, it isn't, it's actually a duvet. She's almost a teenager and part of her particular teenage requirement is that she wants a skull themed bedroom with black walls. I've compromised and she now has a black lampshade, black bead curtain on the door and a chair and small black cupboard that I painted for her.
Yes, her big sister went through exactly the same as a teenager but as you can see, her tastes have thankfully changed. Although after saying that, I love that they have their own ideas!


Nicola said…
Wow Jessie that painting is stunning! So wonderful to see it hanging in your daughters house! Beautiful use of colour and light and dark, just perfect!!

Funny to hear about your younger daughters 'black' phase, I remember going through something like that heheh, sounds like your compromise is a great idea!!!
I LOVE that painting Jessie, the way you've caught the light and the glorious combination of colours...yum! I love combining complimentary colours so they really pop! Is and oil, or an acrylic? I've yet to try my hand at oils!
Jess said…
Thanks Nicola, I can kind of relate to the black phase as a teeneger but mine was purple. Thing is, mine never ended!;o)

Thanks Christina, It's an acrylic on canvas. I like to use acrylics because they don't need special extras added to them - just water! :o)
Anonymous said…
Jessie this painting is truly awesome. Just outstanding. I'm glad you kept in the family also. Sometimes letting go of the best one's are so sad when you think of them. Like your babies have left and you won't see them again. Just bring the photo's out now and then.

I love this style of yours. so spiritual and very beautiful!


April Jarocka said…
I really like that one Jessie...beautiul!!
Jess said…
Thanks Julie, I'd rather have my REAL baby back lol! ;o)

Thanks April :o)
Jo Potter said…
Jessie, This painting is very beautiful. The colours are so warm and thank goodness you did not sell the picture. It is lovely that you kept it within the family. I understand it's not always easy to keep work. Thank you for your very kind comment.:)
Have a lovely weekend.x
Jess said…
Thanks Joanne, the reason for making the painting were those colours. I wanted to do a painting with that part of the spectrum and it seemed to work out ok! :o)
Thank,s for your visit, this painting is beatiful and de girl and cat is sweett. one hug
Jess said…
Thanks Pati :o)
Julia Guthrie said…
That is a beautiful painting, & your daughter is very lucky to have the original :)

LOL...I remember my obsession with wanting a black duvet cover. My Mum went on a wild goose hunt for one, couldn't find one (I'm not sure 'how' hard she tried...) & returned with a cream cover & some black dye.
A wash cycle later I had a lovely 'grey' duvet cover! *snorts*
Not quite what I had in mind.
Jess said…
Thanks Julia, Haha! You made me laugh with your duvet story!

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