Playing While Changing

I'm going through changes with my artwork at the moment, I adore watercolours and I'm enjoying adding the pen and ink afterwards and I'm currently playing in my sketchbook without a purpose because it's the only way I can move forwards. Of course this headache doesn't help matters!


Kelly said…
I like the results of your play. I need to find my way back to my playful art self...
The floral page would just be the prettiest fabric pattern.
Sorry about the headache...feel better.
Diane said…
I'm sorry about your headach. I hope it goes away quickly today. I always love your art. Each style, even very different, shows your personality. That bird is really nice.
Ouch! I get them too, horrible things...hope it goes soon. I love the last pic especially, lovely loose colours in the flowers...I need to learn to loosen up a bit too, do some more playing!
Victoria Stitch said…
i really like the way you've done the flowers, esp the colours!
Dear Fireflies said…
You know, I go through changes in my work all the time! I like to think of it as a process of finding the real 'me'. Some days it can be fun, but some days, not so much. Haha! But hey, those colorful flowers are pretty darn sweet! And by the way, I agree, reading fairy tales is a good way to keep your heart wishful.oxx
Jess said…
Thankyou for your messages :) headache better today thanks, I'm still playing and will post my newest ones in a minute.
thedoodlegirl said…
I hope your headache is gone! Your paintings are just beautiful. Love your color schemes and whimsical lines.

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