Illustration Friday: Muddy

Here's my illustration for this week's Illustration Friday
I've had so much fun doing this one, I've painted a couple of other pictures similar to this and will finish them really soon. I'll show them here very soon!


fashion fucsia said…
Ha ha! Jessie this is perfect for the topic of this week, nice idea!
Shirley said…
OOH! So sweet. I really really am enjoying your work..this is wonderful, Jessie.
thedoodlegirl said…
How clever! This is so awesome, Jessie. You are a wonderful artist!!
Johana Mazuera said…
great, idea is perfect for the topic
Anonymous said…
C'est très joli. Pour une fois que ce n'est pas un cochon qui patauge dans la boue... :-) (I did one!)
Dear Fireflies said…
Hey there, Jessie! How are you? Hope you're getting enough of your 'muddy' beauty routine... thehehe...;p
Indigene said…
Great design quality!
Adam Excell said…
thanks for the comment :) your "muddy" is great. is that also watercolour? look amazing.
Unknown said…
We've got quite similar ones...
Jess said…
Yes, it's pen and ink with watercolour :)

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