Nature Heals

I was told some negative things about my illustrations the other day.
I've had lots of positives too along the way and thankyou so much for your kind helpful comments that cheer me on!

When I get rejections I take it well, realising that not everyone has the same taste, or a company already has work similar to mine but when someone says specific criticism, it hurts.
The thing is, it hurts because know they're right.

But it's ok because now I know what to work on.
I've had a weekend in Devon. It was beautiful weather as you can see from my photos above. It's recharged my batteries, helped me to see the bigger picture and now I'm ready to get 'back on the horse'!


Anonymous said…
beautiful photos jessie, nature offers us that space...
hugs xx
Anonymous said…
Jessie I hope you are feeling better.
Go to Doncaster college you get this all the time,lol! Drove me nuts!

You can show'em girl, thats the spirit, you show them what your made off!

You have plenty of followers who will be behind you and back you up.
We know your special!


Rosie said…
Oh they are probably green with envy. Ignore them. Take advice, ignore critisim...see...can´t even spell the word. I for one enjoy your website, illustrations and personality a lot!
Buskitten said…
Hey Jessie - your work is beautiful! I love your new blog heading, it's amazing! I get down-hearted too - I just got dumped by the Agent after less than a year as nothing of mine sold!! Oh well, gotta keep our chinny-chin-chins up!
Keep doing what you do, it brings pleasure to so many of us xxxx
Recently I heard a talk given to kids by Barbara Reid, another published childrens
author/illustrator. She was telling them how crappy she felt when she received criticism from her publisher, but thanked him for his insight and then waited to get home to get angry and throw her tantrum;-) But like you, she works through it and moves on to make the changes necessary to conform to the requirements of the company. Doesn't make the criticism any easier to take though! So from what I hear, you're in good company!

Theres also a situation that arose this weekend when a well known award winning author had a fellow want him to stop reading at an event because he wasn't enjoying the reading. (story is on my blog if you're interested. It was quite comical actually.

You are one of the FEW that has been published! You are amazing and successful! Never forget that, even during the less positive times!
Anonymous said…
I sure hope it was constructive..and not destructive...Your illustrations are unique and gorgeous..and colorful...there something for everyone...keep it up..!!
Anonymous said…
Constructive criticism is well, constructive I suppose and if it's a discussion and fair, fine. So often opinionated people, unhappy, jealous or downright 'up themselves' people can fell with just a couple of words and not realise how much hurt they can be responsible for. I hope they don't realise because if it's on purpose that's even worse. It's taken me a few weeks to get over some really horrid remarks someone made who I now consider to be immature, insensitive and thick. I know they didn't hurt me on purpose but they're not on my Christmas card list... By the way, your distinctive type of creativity is special.
Karen said…
The publishing world can be hard and is so competitive. Be strong and stay on your own path.
Do what you love or you won't love what you are doing.
Jess said…
I'm so very touched by these lovely comments. Thanks to you, I feel so much better about things and I'm grateful to this blogging community for the strength we can get from it. Thanks everyone :)xx
April Jarocka said…
Jessie no amount of criticism is easy to swallow but the main thing is that you've had the strength to turn your experience around and look at what needs working on. I was born in Devon but feel no affinity with the place because of strong Cornish connections, that said it's a lovely place to escape to.
Jess said…
Hi April, Cornwall is indeed my first love too and I'm sure my ancestors were from there. (My maiden name is Bray) There are soooo many Brays in Cornwall! Devon has it's own charm and beauty and I was very lucky to get a chance of escape. Oh how I needed it! ;)
Leo said…
Thanks for your nice comment. :)
Let them say negative things, ignore them an much as you can and... be yourself, always original ! ;)
Jess said…
Thanks Leo, that's really lovely of you to say so! :)
Ruthie Redden said…
dear jessie, blimey, your work is so beautiful & we can all see from what you do that you love doing it too & that is the most important thing of all. keep it up, x x x
Jess said…
Thanks Ruthie, that's so sweet of you. :)

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