Illustration Friday: Hatch

I've bought a moleskine. I've never used one before so this picture was the first time I've used it. The pages felt quite thin, is this usual? I didn't put much watercolour on it and it seemed be ok. Does anyone else use theirs for watercolour?
Oh, and by the way this is my submission for this week's Illustration Friday which is 'hatch'!


Gretel said…
That's odd - they shouldn't be thin. I've been using nothing but Moleskine for some years, and the paper is firm and creamy with a smooth surface; you should be able to fold a page in half and get a good crease. They are only meant for sketching in though, watercolour doesn't go usually well in them, unless of course you are using the specific watercolour pads.
Jess said…
Hmmm.... I spent a while in the shop talking to the assistant, telling her I wanted it for wash as well as line. I'm a bit fussy when it comes to sketchbooks, I'm set in my ways and don't take easily to new types! This is only the first page so I'll see how I get along! Thanks Gretel. :)
Dave said…
Media aside, this is a delightful image. Great point of view.
Jess said…
Thanks Dave and April! :)
Grethic said…
Well that was a very interesting chick to hatch - so delicate
Nicola said…
I love this one! Lots of energy and your girl is gorgeous!!!
Jess said…
Thankyou Grethic and Nicola, I did the drawing of the girl really quickly and lightly!
Wow, this is so clever and well done!
Gretel said…
Hm, I think the assistant might have mislead you somewhat; I never use my normal books for watercolour, just sketching and drawing. A group of us had a 'travelling sketchbook' once, in a standard Moleskine, and after one person tried to do a full spread watercolour (with almost disasterous results) other painters did their work on whatever w/colour paper they normally used and stuck it in. As you use paint so much in your everyday work (I don't, so it's not important for me) I'd look around for an alternative; Moleskines are a 'bit' expensive, maybe that's the assistant was keen to sell you one!
Jess said…
Thanks Gretel, yes I think you're right! I was lured by the name of it k owing that many people love them as sketchbooks. I'm going to persevere with this one because it has such a lovely feel to it!

Thankyou Indigene :)

Hi Manuel, Maybe my mind isn't as chrismassy as it should be and I'm thinking too far ahead! ;)
Anonymous said…
i haven't a clue about the paper! :o) love the artwork though, tis a very cool chic.. birdie looks a little surprised lol xx
Jess said…
Thanks Greenwhisper, no the birdie wasn't expected THAT to hatch out of her egg!
Rosie said…
I have a moleskine for jotting down animation ideas. It has little frames on each page. The paper is nice and firm and fine with pilot pens but it doesn't like Indian ink and pen. I just like ALL sketchbooks and notebooks. I'm getting an "accordion" moleskine for Xmas which I plan to draw an entire marketplace on it!
Jess said…
Wow! Rosie that sounds amazing, can't wait to see it!
dinis mota said…
Hello Jessie!
Thanks for your visit and by your words!
Beautiful illustration.

Shirley said…
Jessie - this is such a fun illustration! I have not tried watercolors on a Moleskine..I wish I could help. It is a treat to hear from you - thanks for stopping by last week. And your life drawings are fantastic!!
Jess said…
Thanks Dinis, your illustrations are lovely!
Thanks Shirley, it's a treat to hear from you too! :)
Renee said…
Jessie I love the banner, it is beautiful.

Love Renee xoxox
Jess said…
Thank you Renee! I'll have to change it after christmas so I'd better get thinking about what to do next for a banner :)
Anonymous said…
I think there are different molkskine art journals. Mine is yellowy card pages, does this sound the same?

If you look at Suzi Blu video's on youtube there maybe one showing the moleskine?

The illustration is cute!

Have a great Christmas Jessie!
Jess said…
Thanks Julie, My molskine looks like how you described it but it's not happy about having any watery things put onto the page. Never mind, I'll still enjoy using it :) Happy Christmas to you and your family!xx
Ha, ha... wonderful surprise!!

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