The Mess of Drawing

There was a man next to me in life drawing today who sounded as though he was having a wrestling match with his paper and charcoal. I could hear frantic bouts of scrubbing and heavy sighs, and when he'd finished he had made such a big pile of black charcoal bits under his easel, that he had to clean it up with a dustpan and brush. (Don't forget this is an art room and the odd bit of drawing materials usually get on the floor, but obviously not this much!)
It reminded me of a time when I made large charcoal drawings in the life room and ended up with black all over both sides of both hands and most of my face, along with various hand prints across my clothes. When I first started to draw in an A4 sketchbook it felt so small and difficult. These days, it's my preferred way of drawing, in a sketchbook with a nice pointy pencil. I still make smudges (believe it or not), it's just that I rub them out as I go along!


Anonymous said…
Hi Jessie, love seeing you're sketches and how your life drawing classes are going. That poor gentleman must of been so wound up, bless him and you for hearing him.
I use to stay off college when it was life drawing. There was this man who would come around naked looking at what you had drawn, I felt very uncomfortable. I can remember my tutor saying your doing really well until you get here. Which of course it was his manly hood,lol! I have never liked this part of a man to look at, looks like the raw end of a chickens neck and not attractive at all! I feel embarrassed if a man walks down the street with his shirt off. I am looking every where else I can possible can without being noticed for doing so. I wish they would just cover themselves up. I was brought up by my mum and with my sister. John didn't move in while I was 12 years old. It was an all girl household and think this as helped me being a bit of a prude.
So have total respect for you and being able to do this.
Keep going you're so drawing beautifully!
Thank you for entering into the prize draw, so pleased the idea is like so much and looking forward to painting.
Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said…
Jessie, have just bought a copy of your book, cool!
Be great to own for my daughter and me too!
Jess said…
Thank you so much Julie! I'm so exciting to get my first sale!!!!! Yay!!!!!!
About life drawing: I've been doing it many years so I'm used to the nakedness but I have to say, I usually 'miss out' the nether regions on a man, it's easier that way! LOL
I tend to go home from my expressive drawing class the same way. Blackened face and dirty clothes.

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