Male Model Today

I went to life drawing this morning and today we had a male model. Personally I prefer to draw females, as I enjoy drawing the shapes of the curves. One of the people in the group said he prefers to draw a male because you can see the skeletal structure more easily. He told of when they had an overweight male model once and how he didn't like it. I wish I could have drawn him!
After saying all that though, I did enjoy this morning especially drawing a 'new' face!


Jo Potter said…
Hi Jessie,
Thank you for your visit. Good to see you again!:)
I really like your life drawings. The male model looks quite handsome. You have drawn a lovely face.
I prefer drawing female models too... Like you said, women have more curves and have an interesting shape.:)
Best wishes.
Jo May.
Jess said…
Hi Jo,good to see you again too! I must try to find time for blog visiting, I enjoy it so much :)

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