
I've been illustrating an article for this magazine for the last 3 issues and have just started working on the next one. It's been a steep learning curve for me, having never drawn a motorbike in my life! This next one is to accompany an article about moving house so I don't need to draw yet another bike this time, I'm thinking more along the lines of a cat...and there might be cider involved (drawing it, not drinking it!) I shall say no more for now!

Here's one I did earlier!


Nicola said…
Wow Jessie I remember seeing these when you first did them it is so exciting seeing them published in a magazine!!! You should be very proud ;o). How did you get involved with this project?
tlchang said…
Ah, you are braver than I. I try to avoid illustrating anything to do with transportation. Or complicated architecture...
Kim said…
I love the telephone box - it just makes me smile! Good look with the bikes illustations - can't wait to see what you have done.
Kim xx
kathy hare said…
you must be proud! they look great.. x
Jess said…
Thanks Nicola!
Hi Tara, I must say it's not my first choice of subject matter ;)
Thanks Kim, I'll post as soon as it's finished :)
Thanks Kathy!
Andrea and Kim said…
Hey Jess, this is so cool! I can imagine the magazine is very interested in having your take on things since you do not have any experience with motor bikes! At least I would think that way.

These paintings are really great. It seems they think so, too, since they keep returning to you for me. I remember some of these others you have been working on - like the man holding the bike over his head.

Congratulations Jess!
trudette said…
Congratulations !
Love your beautiful and colourful art !
I am going to follow you so I can vistit you often.
Jess said…
Thanks Kim, I'm glad they've accepted them too!
Hi Trudette, nice to meet you :)
Anonymous said…
cara vc pode me ajuda? como ei fasso pra adiciona outras pessoas é o meu primeiro blog .

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