Illustration Friday: 'Adapt'

I've been teaching myself some Photoshop-ping. An apt illustration for 'Adapt'! I used 2 of my watercolour paintings to make this.
This one

and this one

There's nothing like the real thing though is there?
Speaking of which, I had a lovely surprise when I looked out the window yesterday and saw my lupins were growing and hadn't been slugged to death!

The lawn's looking pretty,

and there's a promise of an enormous poppy!


Anonymous said…
well done! it aint easy, at all
Jess said…
Thanks Lizzie! I've just managed to make a new photoshop-ped header but it's taken me all afternoon and I think I might need to scream now.
Teri said…
Sweet illo and that poppy head is enormous! Please show us the flower when it blooms!!
Jess said…
I surely will. Thanks Teri!
Ruthie Redden said…
well done, you photoshopped! real useful for saving & altering bits & pieces. It looks like you have some real treasures in your garden.
soulbrush said…
i haven't even attempted that. go girl.
April Jarocka said…
You clever thing, you. Lovely job Jessie on the header.
Pea said…
wow.. love the colourful and cheerful flowers! very adorable art and beautiful pictures !
Buskitten said…
Hi Jessie!
I love the flower pics, are they from your own garden? Really beautiful. Photoshop is something I would love to a. get, and b. learn - is it hard? It seems really expensive, though, like £500!! Yikes! That is a lot of money! I love what you've done with it April, and as ever, your work is so inspiring. xxx
kathy hare said…
Your 'Adapt' illustration is beautiful Jess.. x
Unknown said…
Such a sweet little, the lupines make me long for Maine, where they actually have Lupine Festivals!
tlchang said…
Do you have a chamomile lawn? Lucky! I've always wanted one of those! (and/or with English daisies and violets and speedwell and any other creeping, blooming thing that is not grass!)
Jess said…
Thankyou so much everyone :)
Not a chamomile lawn I'm afraid Tara, just a mixture of grass daisies and moss!
Denise Scicluna said…
the drawing is so cute. i like how you drew the flowers!

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