Inspiration From a Magazine

I had projects to be getting on with yesterday but didn't feel very inspired, so I just doodled on the page (above). I find this helps to loosen up and not be selfconcious about drawing.
Later, browsing through a favourite magazine (that I buy once in a while for a treat!) I saw this lovely yellow dress. The blue lamp was also inspired by one I saw on another page, this time it was the colour that grabbed me! I added the imaginary table and flowers afterwards. Of course I wouldn't ever copy something outright unless it was for fun!
Ok then, I'll tell you the name of the magazine. It was Country Living :)


Buskitten said…
Country Living is my favourite magezine in the whole world Jessie! I am, in fact, quite obssessed with it, and have a big pile of bak-copies which I know every inch of! Due to lack-of-money, I haven't bought it for a while, but as soon as I get a job it make a re-appearance at Chateau Kitten! Great doodles!
Ruthie Redden said…
One of my fave magazines too, fab and i just love the photography!! grand doodles jess. im getting better at doodling, i have at long last started an arty journal & am managing to work in it every day, thanks for the inspiration x
Rosie said…
I'd like to see you design a piece of fabric. Your colours and style would look super on material. I dare you to design a T-shirt for a seven year old.
Rosie said…
I'd like to see you design a piece of fabric. Your colours and style would look super on material. I dare you to design a T-shirt for a seven year old.
Andrea and Kim said…
Tee Hee...Jess are you one to take a dare? I am sure you could do this one perfectly :)

I love the way you have composed this drawing and of course the colros are just too fabulous for words...truly yummy!

Country Living, uh? I am going to have to take a look through it. I grew up in the country, so that title doesn't really draw me in. I guess I am more of the Urban that a magazine?

Thanks Jess!
Jess said…
Thanks Liz and Ruthie, isn't it great that we love the same magazine! I love the colours in the photos, so inspiring :)

Hi Rosie, it's an idea, one to add to my 'to do' list. Thanks!

Hi Kim, oh I'm sure you would like it. The pages are full of gorgeous design and colour, and it's mostly english style which I know you appreciate! :)
jeff said…
Merci pour ton commentaire !
Avec tout le respect que j'ai pour ton ar, je me sens beaucoup plus attiré par tes dessins en couleurs ! pourtant le graphisme noir et blanc est très intéressant ! Bon, va falloir que je songe sérieusement à me mettre à parler anglais !

Thankx for your comment ! With all respect which I have as your art, I feel much more attracted by your coloured drawings ! however the black and white style of drawing is very interesting ! Check, is going to need that I think seriously of starting to speak English !

Sorry for my english !

ByeBye jessie !
Anne said…
I don't know "country living", but I'm sure that it can't show us pictures as fresh, young and romantic as yours. I like your drawing in black and white very much, because of the graphism. Congratulations for your art! It's a real pleasure for me to read your blog.
Jess said…
Merci Jeff! :)

Thanks Anne, that's so sweet of you to say that.
Art Fan Ako said…
I like the top one... simple lines yet beautiful result! You just inspired me to try a new style and see!

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