Illustration Friday: 'Contagious'

Look at me - two posts in one day! I've just finished this for Illustration Friday so I thought I'd post it straight away!


Rosalia Lerner said…
Lovely hair style!!!
April Jarocka said…
That's one hell of a bad hair day Jessie..I can relate to that after my hair came out the wrong colour today.
Jess said…
Thanks Rosalia!

Oh dear, April I know the feeling only too well! maybe I was picking up your thought waves ;)
It is very cute and funny!!
The color is very wonderful!
Andrea and Kim said…
Jess, you never cease to amaze me...this is for Friday and you have it ready today! Completely Amazing! The faster I go, these days, the more behinder I get! :)

Seriously, I love always the colors are so vivid as well as the composition!

Lovely Work!
Buskitten said…
Haha! Excellent Jessie! I love the wedding invitation too - how exciting your daughter is getting married! have you got your outfit yet?
Teri said…
It is so adorably illustrated!
Unknown said…
LOL, that is what my hair looks like today! Very cute illo!
MrBibleHead said…
Thanks for the chuckle this morning Jessie! Great work!
Jess said…
Thanks 阿部 真吏奈 and Kim!

Thanks Liz, no outfit yet, I'm hoping to regain the figure of my youth before buying a new frock. Fat chance!

Thanks Teri, ElegantSnobbery and Jack :))
jeff said…
Ciel ! J'ai perdu la tête !...
Magnifique composition et graphisme...
I love !
❤Yisin said…
so cute!!! it make me smile!~
Thanks Jessie~
Rosie said…
That is very similar to my own hair. I do not like hairdressers. It's on a par with dentists!
Jess said…
Hello Jeff and Yisin - thank you!

Hi Rosie, I've got a nice hairdressers except I forget to go, for months at a time!
Caroline said…
Ha ha! What a fun illustration! Love that little hedgie!
Sandra said…
:D hihihi! What a funny illo! Good idea!
Anonymous said…
Wow - cool watercoloring. Definitely inspiring - I hope I can one day learn to do something just as well! (
soulbrush said…
ROFLOL.... hey jessie how about doing a few 2.5"x3.5" cards and swapping with me, three/four? go on.....
soulbrush said…
ROFLOL.... hey jessie how about doing a few 2.5"x3.5" cards and swapping with me, three/four? go on.....
Owen said…
Hmmm, Hedgehog Hair... could be the start of a new trend ! Taking "spiky" to new extremes... Now, if you could fix me up with a hair-do with porcupine quills, which could be launched at will, that could come in handy sometimes too...

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