Blue Mashed Potato

I'm thinking of ideas to illustrate a magazine article about food. There's an anecdote in it about throwing blue mashed potato out of the window...or did I imagine it said that?
Here's a first sketch.


Mischief Makers said…
Stop by our blog for a chance to win a prize.
Cool artwork!
Alice :)
Andrea and Kim said…
Jess, of course I know nothing about blue mashed potatoes, but why not. You can get those blue it makes sense...wonder what it is about throwing them out the window? Mmmm...

At any rate, the drawing looks like fun.
Jess said…
Thanks Kim, I'd rather not look at, let alone eat blue coloured mashed potato - it's wrong!Wrong! ;)
Anne said…
Very funny! Please, I want to know the following steps of that story!

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