Jem on Britain's Got Talent!

I don't normally blog over the weekend very much but I'm so excited, I can't contain this until monday. My son Jem was on Britain's Got Talent last night! He didn't expect to get through (he didn't!) and was only really doing it for a laugh but we're all proud of how brave he was facing Simon Cowell!


April Jarocka said…
Hi Jessie. Well done to your son for auditioning. I didn't see it myself but my daughter said she found it very, very funny. After watching the clip I couldn't stop laughing. What a strange talent! Thanks for posting it up!
Rosie said…
Oh Ha, ha. What a fantastic son you have. Very funny and crikey he's brave.
Jess said…
The interview was all set up and he was told what to say, but it was a laugh anyway.x
Ruthie Redden said…
Not suprised you just had to blog this, how cool, u must b a very proud mum, what an unusual thing to be able to do!
kathy hare said…
Oh how exciting for you! This really made me laugh! what an unusual talent your son has, he is so brave to face those judges! it's just a shame they didn't let him play a little longer.. x
Unknown said…
Hi Jessie, unfortunately I can't see the video, will try this evening on my own computer,
Jess said…
He did have a backing music CD but his daughter had to be brought home half way through the day WITH THE CD ACCIDENTLY LEFT IN HER NAPPY BAG! Oh well, maybe if he'd had the music he would have stayed on longer? Who knows hehe!
Karen said…
Ha Ha! Loved this! Well done to your son for facing the panel :)
What an exciting weekend! :)
Jess said…
Thanks Karen and the excitement goes on...he's being interviewed on Westcountry news soon!
Renee said…
I love it and was laughing my head off.

When Jem said that the his wife finds it irritating I was howling.

Please tell him well-played.

p.s. very handsome.

Love Renee xoxo

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