Illustration Friday: 'Impossibility'

It's been a funny old few days for my family what with my son being on Britain's Got Talent. Now he's going to be interviewed on ITV West later on today, so the excitement goes on! (6pm for those who live in the westcountry!)
I got distracted there again for a minute! Now where was I? Oh yes, IllustrationFriday...
Well it's an impossibility for Penguins to fly!


Rosie said…
Ha, ha...look what I had posted today. Collective unconcious at work here.
I wish I could see your son on tv tonight but we just get Southampton news for some reason.
nice and inteligent draw
Coreopsis said…
But they always LOOK like they're flying in the water. Lovely illustration!
nidhi said…
great concept!
April Jarocka said…
Absolutely love it Jessie!
MrBibleHead said…
great concept and excellent execution!
thedoodlegirl said…
Well how fun for your son! And I love your art work for this week! too fun.
trudette said…
Great take on the subject , fun picture !
Nicola said…
This is a lovely illustration. Well done!
kathy hare said…
SOooo beautiful Jess, a lovely idea.. x
christine grove said…
Cute penguins! I watched the video you posted with your son. How many people can say they've done that? Very nice!
Unknown said…
what a wonderful piece....I love penguins!!!

I’m hosting a postcard giveaway at my blog! You can enter to win 250 of your custom printed postcards to promote your work….pop by!!!
Kate Robertson said…
I love the penguins, just popped in from Violette's message board. You paint beautifully.

Snezana said…
Funny and good idea!Love the colours!
atelier nanda said…
If they cannot fly they still have their "happy feet". Nice work I love penguins.
Dot said…
too funny... love the penguins.. and congrats to your son, that's so cool!

thanks for stopping by my blog, as well, and your nice comments!


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