Illustration Friday: 'Time'

For some reason I've always had a morbid fascination with taxidermy. However, I quite like the idea of this fox still being alive!


Caroline said…
Lovely illustration - don't much like the idea of taxidermy but that fox is great! How did he get in there, I wonder?!!
Jess said…
Thanks Caroline, he lives in there and he likes it.
Tricia said…
Wonderful illustration! I love the fox and the idea of him living in the clock. He has such a cute expression!
Andrea and Kim said…
Jess, you fool me...really? taxidermy? It is nice to know this little fox is still alive in this really charming clock! I really love the heart pendulum... I love the whole clock, can you build one? :)

Seriously, this is lovely work...thank you, as always!
Jess said…
Thanks Pat!
Thanks Kim, I did say 'morbid'! I wouldn't want to touch it, or even get close to it. No I couldn't/wouldn't want to build it hehe ;)
soulbrush said…
taxidermy ouch! yes how did he get in there? i lurv your new header, fabadabadoo.
Your morbidity is our gain! Great concept and rendering! :)
Unknown said…
morbid and creative. good job
kathy hare said…
wonderful Jess! I have a cuckoo clock and children are fascinated by it, I wonder what they would make of a fox clock!! :)
Jess said…
Not so much fun if the fox jumps out! Thanks Kathy :)
Ronnie said…
Well, I think you all have it wrong. The fox is sticking his head through a hole in the wall behind the clock. He ate the cuckoo and is taunting Jessie because he's too fast for her. Too bad you didn't see him stick his tongue out on the hour. :)
Really cute work you did!
Jess said…
Haha! I used to think the rest of the moose was behind the wall in my grandparent's house when I was a child!
sketched out said…
Hee heee! It's nice to be in touch with your darker (morbid) side, I think. Well, what ever state our little friend is in, he is freaking adorable! I love the way you illustrate animals. It's clear you have a great love of our furry friends!
Jess said…
Hi Linda, more like fear hehe!

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