Illustration Friday: 'Instinct'


Some get it right... Some get it wrong...

and some are a slave to them.


mitchowl said…
I love these! What awesome colors, and great concept.
Andrea and Kim said…
And Jess has hit the nail on the head on all three counts with this one! I Love these a lot! They are 100% Jess and the tension is truly wonderful with the lizards and the flowers.

Keep on though you could do anything else.
Anna Meyers said…
Wow, these are beautiful
Rosie said…
I'd wear these on a Tee shirt anyday! Beautiful, vibrant colours.
Caroline said…
Very clever! Love the colours even if some are 'wrong'!!!
Vincent Juanes said…
I love your colored Chameleons!
Cheryl said…
These are way too cool for school.Makes me want to see what's next.
sketched out said…
What great idea. Chameleons being a perfect vehicle for illustrating instinct and having great fun with it. I especially like the limited palette of the first one and the flow of the design.

How do you get your watercolors so vivid? Any time I attempt it my colors are just so muted. You are a WC genius!
Jess said…
I think not Linda, I use Schmincke watercolours which are particularly bright!
Vina Puspita said…
You've got a great sense of color, Jes! :D
Keep illustrating!

draw with the flow

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