The Wedding Drawing

Here's the stage I'm at today with the wedding invitation design. They want it to be really colourful and what with the dress being white and the suit being grey, I'm going to have to be extremely inventive with the rest of it!

I'm still doing my doodle-a-day and here is today's... I think they might be extra wedding guests that were secretly invited by someone small and fluffy.


soulbrush said…
oh yes, i see it now, the bride and groom and a lotta fluffy cats with brightly coloured bows.
Jess said…
A bit easier to contend with than the 150 or so humans she has planned! ;)
soulbrush said…
i adore your little froggie avatar.150, yikes, are you paying?
Andrea and Kim said…
Oh Boy! It sounds as though you are going to have to not only have to have some fun fluffy guests, but a colorful background as well.

This is going to be so much fun to watch is looking great now, though.
Julia Guthrie said…
Thats a gorgeous wedding picture! I hope they like that one :)
Jess said…
No Joss...thank goodness!
Jess said…
Hi Kim, I'll post the finished one soon (I hope!)
Thanks Julia, so do I ;)

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