The Autumn Equinox

The Nightjar

The weather's changing, still sunny but a slight chill in the air every now and then. I have to finally admit it, autumn is upon us!
To mark the occasion of the autumn equinox and to get us in the mood for those dark nights ahead, I'm changing the look of my blog for this magical time. I shall be using this new avatar too. Do you like her? The nightjar lives in her hair but she doesn't mind, in fact I suspect she's forgotten it's there!


renilde said…
more mysterious than usual and i love it, especially the nightjar in her hair, x
i love her. love the deep purple youused, perfect for the season’s change, deep adn mysterious...
Giggles said…
LOVE LOVE LOVE, HUGS AND KISSES LOVE HER!! Please add her to paint party friday I want everyone to see her!!
So beautiful!! I love autumn too!! And Halloween! She has made my day!! Thank you for sharing!!

Hugs Giggles
Robin Larkspur said…
Fabulous look! Autumn blessings to you!
Victoria said…
Wow..totally spectacular!! Love the whole vibe of this..she is gorgeous and poetic!
Blessings of Autumn!!
Dear Fireflies said…
Ooooh... your blog looks amazing!! You know how much I love the dark side of things and this is such an awesome change! Not to mention that gorgeous lady...

Rita said…
Oh, she is pretty and spooky. I have a scorpion necklace I like to wear around Halloween...maybe I'll do deep purple makeup and see if I can find a spooky bird to live in my hair. And yes, I like her!
Kyra Wilson said…
Oh, I love it! I'm ready to dive into the Halloween spirit myself with my art!
Charlotte said…
Definitely suits the season. She looks how I wanted to look (as a teenager) and how I knew I did (really, secretly) inside my head.

Oh wow - she is so lovely...very fitting for the season.

Have a lovely weekend

Nina x
Kim Mailhot said…
I love her and her darker side. Shining a light on the magic...perfect !
Happy Weekend !
Unknown said…
Like her? I love her. The colours are a departure from your usual sunnier choice but there is something in the expression which is captivating.
Tammie Lee said…
I love her, she is wonderful.
fun look to your blog too.
Victoria Stitch said…
oh wow I LOVE this one! I think it's my favourite of all your work I've seen so far! very atmospheric!
Lene Megan said…
Hello from Denmark! I just want to tell you that I adore your fine art, the colours, images and what it does to my soul! :)

Actually, I have this blog (alas, in Danish) where I write poetry from the heart, well actually, it's small stories but with a lot of poetry inspired by nature and by people. Today I have used one of your lovely drawings/paintings as illustration and I hope that's OK with you. Of course I have linked to your blog and I mention your name.

I trust you don't have a problem with this and I would love to spread the knowledge of your beautiful images and your universe. I am sorry that you will probably not be able to understand my words, but I paint with them as you do with colours ;)

Have a nice Sunday.

Lene Megan
Ana M.F. said…
I'm on the other side of the world (it's spring here) but I love your dark lady :)
I'm listening to some goth 80s music right now hehe, perfect time to visit!!
martinealison said…
Je suis très heureuse de vous retrouver... J'étais, je me rends compte, restée longtemps absente !
Je suis très admirative de votre dernière oeuvre... C'est un grand hommage à Dame Automne...
J'adore toutes ces mèches de cheveux qui retombent sur son visage.

Un grand merci pour votre gentil message laissé sur mon blog.
Gros bisous
Introverted Art said…
loving the art... isn't autumn amazing. In South Florida we do not have the yellowing of leaves, but the rain comes down and the smell of wet earth is refreshing.
Introverted Art said…
loving the art... isn't autumn amazing. In South Florida we do not have the yellowing of leaves, but the rain comes down and the smell of wet earth is refreshing.
Jess said…
Thankyou for such lovely comments about my new look blog and my nightjar lady! I'm certainly enjoying getting in the mood for autumn and then of course halloween. I feel some more autumnal inspired pictures coming on!xx
noelle said…
She's beautiful! You are so talented Jessie x

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