Flower Girl Art Tutorial with Coloured Pencils and Watercolour.

I'm going through a coloured pencils obsession at the moment.😊 This painting was done using my set of pencils from WH Smith that I've had for many years and I've added a touch of watercolour. Let me show you my process...

The pencils don't have the names of the colours on them but the one I used for the initial drawing I would say is similar to a burnt sienna.

So I drew her out lightly with the burnt sienna pencil. You can see my faint outlines at the bottom of the picture where I've mapped out where I want her dress to be. If you draw very lightly you can (almost!) rub out the lines if you make a mistake.

I then darkened the lines and added some shading, all with the same pencil.

The next stage I added blue pencil spots to the dress. The blue watercolour wash was put on afterwards. You can do this because of the waxiness of the pencils, it acts like a resist as long as the watercolour wash isn't too dark.

Then I drew in some leaves and flower outlines with green, purple and pink pencils
and filled them in with green, purple and pink watercolour. 

Her eyes and lips were painted with a tiny drop of watercolour and I filled in the trim of her dress in pink watercolour.

I hope you enjoyed seeing my process, if you have any questions I'd be very happy to answer.😊
 I enjoyed this method and I'm sure to be using it again!

Have a lovely rest of the week!xx


Tammie Lee said…
She is lovely. Colored pencils are wonderful!
denthe said…
How beautiful! I really like the initial sketch too, it looks completely different from a sketch in graphite. Thanks for explaining your process! Coloured pencils and watercolours make a great combination. Have a lovely weekend!
Amaya de la Hoz said…
Soooo beautiful!! Each day I love your paintings even more! 😍😍😍
Ruthie Redden said…
Loved seeing your process Jessie, I really struggle with coloured pencils! Mine always look to 'pencily' lol is there such a word :). Loved the way you have done her hair too x Finally back to blog land after far too long away, I;ve really missed it and it feels like coming home, if you know wha I mean. x

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