Documenting Past Exhibitions

Me standing with my painting at the 'Into The Light' exhibition at the Hotbath Gallery in Bath a few years ago!

With this new term starting I've been in an organising mood. I've been having a sort out of photos I've taken in the past, of my exhibitions. I don't have pictures of all the places unfortunately but there are still a few that I've managed to find.
I hope you're all having a lovely weekend, it's very warm and sunny here, long September shadows, my favourite.♥


Els said…
Ha ! Looking goooood !
(both of you ;-) !!!)
Anonymous said…
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Ana M.F. said…
Nice gallery of pics,I like the different blue colors in Into The Light.
The pic your children is lovely :)
Flotsam said…
Lovely to see you, and rightly looking so happy in front of your painting. I had not realised we were quite so close. Bath is a stomping ground of mine too.
Unknown said…
Wow, Jessie! Love your art! You're so talented! :)
Jess said…
Aww thankyou. :) I wish I'd taken more pictures but I'm glad I've found the ones that I have.x
Victoria said…
OH My totally fabulous..! How wonderful to see and for you to revisit special times! Thanks for sharing.. You look fab..and such gorgeous art!

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